Advertising Rates

Arisia Publications Advertising Rates

Arisia is the largest fan-run science fiction convention in the northeast; activities cover all aspects of science fiction, fantasy and related interests. This year we expect between 3500 and 4000 individuals to attend.

The convention is entirely volunteer run. It is normally held over Martin Luther King weekend in January at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston. Events and educational programs occur round-the-clock from Friday through Monday. Our multi-track programming features over 250 program participants from many corners of the SF universe.

Arisia publications, including a Souvenir Book, will reach an audience with diverse interests in books, arts, gaming, science and technology, films, TV, and other media. The Souvenir Book is professionally offset printed on white 60 lb. text stock with a glossy cover and both B&W and color pages.

Arisia is a Service Mark of Arisia, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit literary organization. For information, write Arisia, Inc., 561 Windsor St, Somerville, MA 02143, e-mail, or visit the Arisia corporate web site. For advertising, send email to

Souvenir Book Advertising Rates

Black and White Rates

Retail Rates
Fan Rates
Full Page
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 125.00
Half Page
$ 300.00
$ 150.00
$ 75.00
Third Page
$ 250.00
$ 125.00
$ 65.00
Quarter Page
$ 200.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
Sixth Page
$ 150.00
$ 75.00
$ 40.00
Business Card
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00

Special Placement/Additional Options

+$ 500.00
Inside Cover (additional surcharge)
+$ 400.00
Back Cover (additional surcharge)
+$ 800.00
Center Spread (additional surcharge)
+$ 500.00
Bleeds (additional surcharge)
+$ 50.00

Rate Categories

Semi-pro rates are reserved for dealers at Arisia and artists or artist agents.

Fan rates are reserved for fannish organizations that are tax exempt under IRS code 501(c)3; or for individuals (eg, fans) who are not promoting any commercial activity. Fan rate ads may not be available due to space limitations.

If you are unsure which rate applies to you, please contact our Publications Director.

Publication Specifications

Image Area

Souvenir Book

Type Dimensions H x W    
Full Page Page (A) 10.5"x8.0"
Half Page Wide (B) 5.0"x8.0" Tall (C) 10.5"x3.5"
Third Page Wide (D) 3.25"x8.0" Box (F) 5.0"x5.5" Tall (E) 10.5"x2.5"
Quarter Page Wide (D) 2.25"x8.0" Box (G) 5.0"x3.75"
Sixth Page Box (H) 2.25"x5.5" Strip (J) 5.0"x2.5"
Business Card Wide (L) 2.0"x3.5"

Note: Not all sizes available each year.

Submission Format

Prices quoted are for electronically submitted art in PDF or TIFF format. Image must be at least 266 dpi resolution (300 dpi preferred). Use 88 Line Screen or 133 Line Screen on halftones. Special printing needs (design, layout, bleeds, screens, and color) are extra. Bleeds are only available on full-page advertisements. Please embed fonts for PDF files. Please send a good quality printed proof (if possible) along with any electronic files sent.

Payments and Additional Information

Advertisements must be paid in full. Purchase orders may be used only for Retail Rate ads. All prices in US dollars, payable to Arisia, Inc. by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, or PayPal at And yes, we still take olde fashioned checks.

All ads are accepted on space-available basis only. Arisia reserves the right to refund any monies paid for ads not printed. Arisia retains the right to review all ads for suitability. Ad material will only be printed in the specific publications for which it is contracted.

Advertising Deadlines

Ad Space Reservation: November 15
Payment: Due by November 15.
Ad copy: Due by November 30

For more information, contact the Publications director by writing to the Arisia mailbox or by e-mail at Address all correspondence, advertising materials, payments and insertion orders to:

Arisia Ad Sales
561 Windsor St
Somerville, MA 02143