Music Track Signups
Arisia 2016 Music Track has a selection of workshops and other sessions that require advanced sign-up. You can sign up either online or in person, as desired:
- Before the con - sign up online by clicking the desired session name, below, and completing the online sign-up form.
- At the con - sign up in person by going to the Program Nexus, and completing the paper sign-up form for the desired session.
Below is our list of workshops for Arisia '16. Workshops allow a limited number of attendees, and that limit is noted below.
The Centered Breath [workshop] Saturday at 11:30AM, in Paine Led by: Anabel Graetz Limited to: 20 people Sing and be heard without strain. Lead songs with confidence. Learn to sing with a loud, clear voice without harming your throat. Improve your range and increase
your vocal stamina. This workshop is an introduction to Anabel’s vocal and centered breathing technique. Helpful for all singers. |
Beginning Voice [workshop] Saturday at 7:00PM, in Paine Led by: Mark Bernstein Limited to: 15 people A workshop aimed at people who have no vocal training. It will cover some of the basics that singers learn, including breathing, projection, and diction. No observers. This is a room where it's OK to suck. |
The Strong Sound [workshop] Sunday at 7:00PM, in Paine Led by: Anabel Graetz Limited to: 20 people Sing and be heard without strain. Lead songs with confidence. Learn to sing with a loud, clear voice without harming your throat. Improve your range and increase your vocal stamina. This workshop is an introduction to Anabel’s vocal and centered breathing technique. Helpful for all singers. |
Other Sessions Requiring Signup
We have two sessions besides our workshops that require signup.
Open Mic [concert] Saturday at 5:30PM, in Paine MC: Lynn Feingold Limited to: 15 people A showcase of prepared songs. Performers should sign up in advance at the Program Nexus. One song per performer. |
Doom, Gloom, and Despondency [song competition] Sunday at 5:30PM, in Burroughs MC: Jeremy Kessler Limited to: 12 people This is a serious, formal, thematic, judged song contest. Attendees are expected to maintain a solemn aspect (e.g., dark clothes, long face, and soft, respectful speech). In the event of a breach of decorum (e.g., laughter), the offender will be evicted for the duration of the current song—and the singer will receive bonus points! All attendees welcome. |